As of january 2013 this blog is closed: I have started a new blog and will no longer post here on The Writing Tree. From now on you can find my photographs & tutorials here:

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Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

February blues...

It happens to me every year: the February blues... Winter seems to have been here for ages and Summer is nowhere in sight...

So what do I do when winter has finally hit hard with its bitterly coldness? And when my back is still not strong enough for me to craft? And when I've got the flu for the THIRD TIME in two months????

I look at pretty outfits and pretend it's summer!!! :)

(Click on the pictures to take you to the image source!!)

Aaahhh!! I can almost feel the sunshine on my face already :) A fresh breeze... A cold lemonade... Happy dresses, pretty colors and cute shoes :) YES!!

Thank you Pinterest. I needed that ;)

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

A nasty cold & a mustache

I've been suffering from a nasty cold for days now, and it has gotten to a point where I'm completely gross and contagious :( I had no energy whatsoever for blogging, crafty stuff or the Shop-To-Be this past week, but instead of beating myself up over it, I just indulged in my own misery ;)

I did receive an early christmas present from our mailman however: my Asos dresses + my new kick-ass boots arrived much earlier than expected!! :) And before I hop unto my couch with a cup of tea and a big bowl of self-pity, here's a close up of my new dress - covered in little moons and stars! - and my brand new necklace I got from Asos ;)

A little bigger than I had expected, but ah well ;) So........

... must dash ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Oops, I did it again...

Buying dresses that is :)

With all the shitty things that are going on in the world these days, I tend to suffer from escapism from time to time... It is exactly what happened today, when a co-worker forwarded me a link to online store Asos and I noticed they ship for free. Two minutes and three dresses later I realised I really didn't need any dresses, but it was already too late: my order had been placed :)

And I must admit: I don't mind I didn't stop myself at all ;)

I love these colours so much!! But the one I love even more??

TADAAAAH! :D Isn't this the happiest dress you've ever seen?!? :) I tell you: it's almost as happy as me for being able to wear it soon ;)

Bring back the summer please!!! :)