As of january 2013 this blog is closed: I have started a new blog and will no longer post here on The Writing Tree. From now on you can find my photographs & tutorials here:

You can follow Nittybits through blogger, bloglovin' and facebook!

Hope to see you there soon :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunny Days (at last! :)

Hey! Psssst! Blogland!

It's me! I know I haven't been the best blogger lately... but it's not my fault - I swear!


It's that darned weather, you see... It's been sunny and lovely and bright! And I spent almost all of my spare time in The Wild, far away from my computer!

But don't be mad... I took pictures! :) Check out all the creatures me & my macro lens have been hanging out with these days!

Aren't they amazing?? And I've got tons more to share!! :)


Which I will, as soon as it starts raining ;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Attention all readers!!!

This blog is now officially Facebook-ready! I've added share buttons to each post!! :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I ♥ Spring!

Hope you're all enjoying your Easter Eggs? :) The weather has been amazing here these past few weeks, and I've spent as much time as possible outdoors. After months of winter it feels so GOOD to finally walk in the warm sunlight again, admiring all the beautiful, bright colours!

Since blogging or crafting is a bit difficult while you're on the move, I've been focussing on my macro lens instead. And oh how much I love my macro lens!!! :)

It allows you to really capture all the crispy freshness that is Spring! Look at that lighting! Look at those shades of GREEN! :)

And I suddenly find myself utterly obsessed with all creatures small...

... and smaller! :)

So if you don't hear from me, I'll be in The Wild!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Tulip Transformation

April 1st:

April 15th:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

All creatures great and small

Still lovin' my macro lens :)

Finished reading: Victory of Eagles

Saturday, April 09, 2011

And I shall call him...

And I shall call him...

... Made From Clouds! :)