As of january 2013 this blog is closed: I have started a new blog and will no longer post here on The Writing Tree. From now on you can find my photographs & tutorials here:

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Hope to see you there soon :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunny Days (at last! :)

Hey! Psssst! Blogland!

It's me! I know I haven't been the best blogger lately... but it's not my fault - I swear!


It's that darned weather, you see... It's been sunny and lovely and bright! And I spent almost all of my spare time in The Wild, far away from my computer!

But don't be mad... I took pictures! :) Check out all the creatures me & my macro lens have been hanging out with these days!

Aren't they amazing?? And I've got tons more to share!! :)


Which I will, as soon as it starts raining ;)

1 comment:

  1. The weather here has been fabulous too, it's far to easy to ignore the computer world when the weather is fabulous :)

    Great pictures!!

    Micki x


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