As of january 2013 this blog is closed: I have started a new blog and will no longer post here on The Writing Tree. From now on you can find my photographs & tutorials here:

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Owlcoholics Anonymous

For some reason...

... owls are just asking for it! Maybe it has something to do with their big, round eyes, but Craft-land doesn't seem to get enough of them!

And suddenly I found the owl-virus spreading to me too!!

It started with socks…

… then a bag…

... and before I knew it I was making an owl myself!!

The result? Not quite as beautiful as some of the owls out there, but good enough for me :)


  1. Ooooh I love these owl images. Your owl is very cheery, some can look down right dour. Thanks for dropping by NM, gave me a chance to visit your blog. If you're still on an owl roll I'm having another owl related tutorial and giveaway too.
    I'm just finishing my crochet scarf tonight, don't thing crocheted blankets are in my future, better stick to the small stuff; I like completion :)

  2. You did a lovely job. It really is adorable.


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